SEO Tips For New Websites         (Beginner’s Guide)

SEO Tips For New Websites (Beginner’s Guide)

SEO tips to kick-start your new website. You’ve launched your new website, ready to welcome crowds of new customers. But,...

McDonald’s, Gucci, Starbucks: How to choose the perfect brand name by following the big players

McDonald’s, Gucci, Starbucks: How to choose the perfect brand name by following the big players

In 2021 there is a new .UK domain name registered every five seconds, and in order to stand out from...

The UK Side Hustles Index: The best places in the UK to start a side hustle

The UK Side Hustles Index: The best places in the UK to start a side hustle

In March the UK, along with the rest of the world, was plunged into the unknown when the Coronavirus pandemic...

Where to find the best business grants in the UK

Where to find the best business grants in the UK

It’s all about location, location, location. Yes, it might be a cliché, but if you’re looking to launch a new...

The industry sectors which will offer your start-up odds on chances of success

The industry sectors which will offer your start-up odds on chances of success

At The UK Domain, we analysed the latest available data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), which shows the...

End of reservation period for .uk domains

End of reservation period for .uk domains

Everything you need to know about reserved .UK domain names

Everything you need to know about reserved .UK domain names

You may have heard about reserved .uk domains, right of registration, and .uk rights. With the clock ticking to register...

What does it take to climb to the top of the CEO world?

What does it take to climb to the top of the CEO world?

If your ambition is to become a successful CEO for a leading global company, your choice of university, degree, and...